Free invoice tracker

Monitor your supplier invoices in an easy-to-use invoice tracking spreadsheet

Download our free invoice tracker to manage all invoice data from your suppliers in clear and customizable spreadsheets.

Fill out the form to get: 

  • Excel template for invoice tracking
  • Google Sheets invoice tracker template 
  • Automatically updating visual charts for gross totals by department and supplier


Keep track of invoices

We’ve made it simple for you to enter and monitor all your invoices

Filter out invoices

Use filters to see information in a specific order or view invoices by specific criteria, such as date, supplier, department, payment amount, or status.

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Track invoice status

Easily monitor your invoice statuses with color-coded labels indicating whether an invoice is pending, approved, unpaid, partly paid, paid, or past due.

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Use drop-down lists

Quickly input invoice data using drop-down lists for supplier, department, payment status, and net terms. Customize these lists to fit your company’s needs.

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Stay on top of payments and spending

Upcoming payments and incurred expenses are fully visible

See how much is left to pay

The formula in the “To Pay” column automatically calculates the remaining amount by subtracting the “Paid” amount from the “Gross Total.”

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Never miss the due date

Stay on top of deadlines with our automatic alert system. When an invoice is due in seven days or less, the cell in the “Due Date” column turns red, ensuring you never miss a payment.

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Monitor spending by department

Add invoice data to the “Invoice Tracker” to view spending per department in a separate pivot table and chart.

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Track spending by supplier

Add invoice data to the “Invoice Tracker” to view spending by supplier in a separate pivot table and chart.

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Simplify your invoice processing with automation

Precoro can save your team hours of work on document creation, interdepartmental communication, approvals, and 3-way matching. Discover how the software seamlessly ties invoice processing into other procurement-related activities.


All you questions answered

What is an invoice tracker?

An invoice tracker is a tool used to monitor invoices and track their statuses, due dates, payments, and related data to ensure efficient financial management. There are invoice trackers for suppliers and for business customers; our invoice tracking template is designed for the latter.

What are the benefits of an invoice tracker?

An invoice tracker provides clear visibility into invoice status and cash flow, helps to ensure timely payments, and improves accuracy in reports.

How can you use an invoice tracker in spreadsheets?

You can use an invoice tracker in spreadsheets to input and monitor invoice details, track payment statuses, set due date alerts, filter data by various criteria, and generate summary reports and charts for better financial management.

How do you automate invoicing in spreadsheets?

To an extent, it’s possible to automate invoicing in spreadsheets by using formulas to calculate outstanding amounts, applying conditional formatting to highlight due dates and invoice statuses, and incorporating data validation to create drop-down lists. We used these automation methods in our invoice tracking template.

Are Precoro templates in Excel and Google Sheets customizable?

Yes, you can modify the contents of drop-down lists for statuses, departments, suppliers, and net terms and adjust the colors for different statuses, including those for invoices with an impending due date.

What’s the best way to keep track of invoices?

The most reliable and straightforward way to track invoices is to use a specialized software solution like Precoro. This procurement system simplifies invoice creation, approvals, 2- and 3-way matching, and communication with suppliers and provides statuses that automatically update. Book a demo to learn more.

When is it time to implement specialized software?

The short answer is: when manually updating data in spreadsheets becomes too cumbersome for the staff due to a high volume of invoices. Other factors that render manual invoice tracking ineffective include approval bottlenecks, invoice creation errors, and the need to manage multiple entities.


Learn more about invoice management

Check out resources on our blog to learn best practices for invoice management and automation.